I am not aware whether or not people have an ideal situation, place, or a certain setting in which they find peace and quiet, whether or not it exists, and whether they escape to it even if it were only in their heads.
I really don't know if this issue is related to gender, age, vivid imagination, or the lack of it, or maybe it's just an individual preference. All I know is that sometimes we take comfort in things that may seem unusual, or in my case, finding it unusual if someone doesn't take comfort in a thing, a place, a person or a situation when they need it. I sometimes get curious to find out what gives comfort to others. To me, it's just another social experiment, and totally pointless to science, but fills me and satisfies me as a human being. To know that you are not the last human being standing, to know that there are people who still get ecstatic, people who still have orgasms, people who grieve, people who get heartbroken, people who feel pain and in all this they find something to take comfort in makes me feel better.
I don't take personal interest in people's lives, or necessarily feel/understand what they're going through, whether it was a happy or an unhappy emotional trip.
This is not selfish, this is normal human behavior, normal emotional protection, distance, because one human being cannot bear all that goes on in this world and be normal afterward. There's only little care we can give left, and usually it goes to those around us... Life and the world have become so scary, dangerous and unsafe that we are failing to care about things that go on in other places because we're too afraid and concerned about those close to us. If we felt safer, more satisfied and happier we might have had the energy to care and change the world, but individuality is so important and that's why there's no one left to care. I mean don't get me wrong, individuality is the way to go but unfortunately most individuals chose to direct their attention one way, and it's not the world.
There's nothing uglier than a world that has no emotions, or an overflow thereof. It's like watching silent, colorless movies. Why stimulate one sense, when you can stimulate two or three? But also why stimulate all five senses which leads to exhaustion, when you can satisfy two or three senses which will make you feel the happiness without the exhaustion.
I say cut back on your corporate lifestyles, focus more on your happiness, mental comfort, and just do what you love which I believe is the way that's going to get you, and us places. Places that we like! Like a lazy, sunny afternoon in a quiet room that has big French windows that have ledges with comforters on them, sitting there with a cup of coffee or tea discussing really inane concerns with your closest companions often with soft giggles and laughter in between... Or a cozy room with a new table that you get excited over and want to use coasters on it because you never do, you have coffee just to use the coasters on the new table... And it's really good coffee... Like lying on your back in a desert camp to watch stars, and the shooting ones too, and do so in silence, with your companion(s) but in silence, companionable silence. The most wonderful form of silence... Like many things. Life is so beautiful and easy when you know what you want, when you know what you feel, and when you're not too afraid to feel.