
Monday, December 28, 2009

Things That Happen at Henna Parties (Through the Eyes of Mon)

A Henna party is the Middle Eastern, perhaps mostly Palestinian, version of a bachelorette party. It's all girls, it's all dancing, there's no booze in more than half of them, and there's usually a woman drawing Henna tattoos for the girls.

I thought breaking this party down into numbers would be fun.

* Amount of alcohol consumed: 0%
* Amount of nicotine consumed: 0%
* Dances learnt from neighboring countries: 2
* Times intended shoes to go off: 37
* Times shoes went off: 2
* Times funny doctor sneezed/coughed/yawned/danced/held tambourine hilariously: 7
* Times F word said (strictly out of amusement): +59
* Male Egyptian janitors spotted flirting, hardcore flirting, with Filipinas: 1
* Ridiculous songs you discover that you know from your childhood: 5
* Times wished you owned one of them traditional Palestinian robes (dress, frock, garb, whatever you wanna name them, they're always going to be "thob" to me): +113
* Times danced around fountain: 6
* Times danced barefoot on fountain: 3
* Henna tattoos acquired: 0
* Amount of fun had: 100%
* Times held mic and sang into it for all to listen to excruciatingly annoying notes: +3
* 11 CM heels and cobblestone: STILL BAD.