I would like to introduce you to a new column within my blog; third to the As We Digress social, anthropological musings, and the self-explanatory title of the Trip Diaries. I introduce Raw Yumminess on the Go.
This was largely inspired by Radiohead's Office Chart, which is basically a list of tracks that one of the band members would be listening to at the time they post something on their website.
My very first RYG (Raw Yumminess Go minus the preposition "on" and the determiner "the") "chart" can be found below.
1. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - Led Zeppelin
2. Siberian Breaks - MGMT
3. Straight to the Heart - Sina Vodjani (out of Buddha Bar's very first volume)
4. Libertango - Astor Piazzolla
5. Misirlou 97 (Featuring Gary Hoey) - Dick Dale
6. Chop Suey - System of a Down
7. La Del Ruso - Gotan Project
8. Untitled 8 ("Popplagið") - Sigur Rós
9. Rise of the Pentagram - Cradle of Filth
10. Porch (live in Montreal 2000) - Pearl Jam
11. Lost in Timeless Horizons - Nyctalgia
12. There, There (The Boney King of Nowhere) - Radiohead
13. Violet Light - Raised by Swans
Rock on.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
As We Digress: Like, Dislike

It has always been this with attraction: you tell someone you like them, they refrain even if they do like you, why? Or you detect the slightest bit of emotion surfacing and you back out, why?
It's basic psychology; we all want to be eye-to-eye with our partners in life. Not eye-to-chin, eye-to-boob, or eye-to-whatever, but only eye-to-eye, because we know that we deserve someone as good as we are (yes, we all think we're good people), and so, whenever one may detect the slightest sign of losing that same-level connection/rapport, we freak out; rightfully so. That is why, when a person we like initiates expression of emotion, we seem to refrain even when we have been having the best time of our lives. Similarly, if it were something else, like expressing admiration of how well you do things, you may just fuck it up. Drawing constant attention to our strengths, talents and gifts weakens us; we just stop trying, we become arrogant and grow some really inflated egos.
Reminders are better than relentless compliments; reminders are sweet, short and subtle, relentless compliments are desperate, they lose meaning after a while and won't have you win over your counterpart.
When two people like each other, there has to be one situation in which both are able to express their emotion at the same exact time, just like when you have two seconds to cross that gate into another universe before it closes forever. And to get there, there has to be a build-up. We all like build-ups, we enjoy build-ups, and we like to prolong build-ups, and why not? It is, after all, the most enjoyable part of starting off something! A perfect build-up that has kept you eye-to-eye will lead you to the perfect moment in which you both express the way you feel and still take you one step further while you maintain your levels. Not a perfect moment with fire works, or a candle-lit dinner, a barefoot walk on the beach... Stop the Hollywood baloney and get fucking real.
Another thing that may cause us to freak-out, other than losing level, is that we do not want to be with someone desperate. If someone tells you they like you, there are a million ways to do so, each vary in how desperate/confidnet they may strike us. When naturally, expressing your emotion takes a lot of gut, and actually conjures up lots of confidence(and really, it does mean a lot), the results may come out unsatisfactory. You may take your counterpart by surprise, and that's an instant fail. Your counterpart may not share your feelings, another instant fail. Your counterpart may like you a little less than they are supposed to so they give you the desired answer. Your counterpart may dislike mushy moments as such and evade answering (but that's the dumbest, how else are you supposed to communicate the way you feel? Telepathy? Think again, and by that I mean reconsider partners if you are emotionally expressive). Your counterpart may have someone else in mind: ABANDON SHIP. There are a million little reasons and ways for initially liking and then disliking a person once they have expressed the way they feel. And why is that? It is an ever-perplexing human emotion that still has no name. We go back to ground zero: eye-to-eye.
But apart from our human like/dislike dilemma, there is one other thing that causes perplexity to the eased mind; when someone has no real emotion, just average, or perhaps less-than-average fondness of certain others, and they somehow summon the energy to fake fondness and interest, why are so many people blind to it? It is so obvious to bystanders and involved parties alike, yet somehow, some bystanders and involved parties cannot detect the least bit of hypocrisy. How is that when some of us can see right through it, others can be so blind [to such basic emotion]? Is it that some of those bystanders and involved parties are too gullible? My ass. Is it that they are also aware but they choose to ignore it? Is it that they feel the exact same way? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...
The point is, the day communicating emotions has become a sign of weakness, is the day this planet started making less sense. It may not be hard to express your emotions, what may be hard is the aftermath of which.
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