
Sunday, February 21, 2010

As We Digress: Food for Thought

Long days make you become numb. Those long, hideous days where you cannot stop and think of things you like, listen to your favorite song, talk to your friends, or even sleep will make you lose a shred of your humanity each and every day. Life as a bum definitely sucks, but life as another head behind a desk in an excruciatingly small cubicle isn't the answer either.

The morbidity of people around you emerges after the mask of nicety melts off their ugly, ugly faces. Only when certain things happen do those faces appear, usually they're the same moments that help you discover genuine, nice human beings.

Psychosomatic disorders are disorders in which mental factors play a significant role in the development, expression, or resolution of a physical illness. Can there be psychosomatic disorders for emotion? Just because you feel it, doesn't mean it's there.

Disappointment, and other forms of grievance, is caused by fellow human beings, not things. Similarly, happiness depends on your human surroundings, but first and foremost depends on you. Be the source of your own happiness by loving yourself, and this will all come back to you when you're the target of your own happiness; direct your happiness inwardly. If you don't think you deserve happiness, no one will strive to make you happy.

Just because you feel it, really doesn't mean it's there. Emotional psychosomatic disorders.

We strive for happiness, some people die looking for happiness, it's a cause worth living for, and a cause worth dying for.

There's always room for re-evaluation and re-assessment and getting things right, but not all of us have the courage to do all of this. Actually, most of us are too lazy to fix broken things in our lives, but for once perhaps one should pluck up the courage and face things as is. Yes, the brutal truth will then stare you in the face like the scary monster you feared was under your bed when you were a kid, but this time it's real, it's materialized and your parents aren't home for you to climb into bed with them, they're not home to tell you it's all going to be alright because they know that you're the best kid out there and you'll do things and go places, although one wishes it was that easy; the genuine, unconditional love, the security and reassurance, but eventually we all leave "the nest" and fly on our own, and most of us make it.

It is a real blessing to be surrounded by human beings to whom you matter, it's something some may not quite grasp because they have never felt it, but to have someone to care for you unconditionally is probably the most priceless human type of relationship.

It is true that happiness is a cause worth dying for, but people don't die of their own accord. The road to happiness is paved with ugliness, lies, and hardship, it is no lie when people say that someone has died looking for happiness, this stuff can kill you.

Will humanity outlive happiness?

This, perhaps, is not new to you, but it certainly is to others. It may not make sense, or sound too idealistic, but that's because one needs to fully realize these truths, to have gone through a good deal of, well, a good deal of trouble (although a four-letter word comes to mind) to come to such conclusions. But the truths are laid out for you to examine and to re-examine, to see if that's what you want, or if you want something else out of life, or to see if you don't want anything out of this life, or if you want to watch the world burn, it's all a matter of perspective. Personally, I like to believe there are martyrs who die for happiness instead of wars, countries, gods or religions, I believe happiness is a bigger concept in which we find god, religion and home.

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