
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

As We Digress: The Weaver's Anniversary

Yes folks, it’s been a year since I started this blog. It was a very interesting year, lots of emotion and intensity, but lots of successes and minor failures. But today, like every day, we will digress.

Work ethic in this country seems to be ever-deteriorating. Thinking that you might be working, or training in my case, at one of the country’s best “Global Professional Services” companies, whatever that may be, you would assume people are more motivated, more carefully-picked and much more professional. Not people who spend endless hours in meaningless talk, calling gynecologists, cutting their nails, or showering themselves with cheap perfume before heading out to a meeting, leaving the rest to suffocate.

It's a shame that no one really cares about whether or not they do their jobs right, or whether or not they do their jobs at all, and even if they do them, they wouldn't be doing so wholeheartedly. I know, as people get older they get sick of their jobs, they get bored, it's not the same for them anymore, but it's different if they feel that way and still like what they do. I mean after you've been doing what you're doing for 5 years, working in the same place and seeing pretty much the same people, you are bound to get bored, but at least you get bored doing something you know you're good at, someone else perhaps may benefit from it, you never know. The problem is I am certain that those people I've seen work are not bored because they've been doing their job for a long time, but because that's how it's been for them ever since they started, that's because it's all about the money they take at the end of each month. It's wrong. Yes, we all want money, but we don't have to die getting money. This kind of attitude can absolutely kill you, suck out all the life from your soul.

Boredom is one aspect, ethics are another. People have no proper work ethic around here, the less they do the more they want to get paid, the less the get paid the worse they do their job. It will never end for them. Thinking that something may come easily to you is down right foolish. And to those for whom this actually worked, well, I hope you're happy, I know I am because I finally found my nemesis. People who lack ethics, morals, and do not take responsibility of failures they brought on themselves are my personal enemies.

The upside to all this is that people who think they have so much time on their hands while they're at something their employers call a "job", there's a lot of room for jokes and laughs. Today a couple of hilarious ladies wanted to marry off the tiniest girl in the office to the morbidly obese accountant in the neighboring cubicle. The morbidly obese accountant then refuses to help out the lady that cracked the joke with one problem or another. And all the while I was so cracked up I couldn't breathe, tears came streaming from my eyes, and this all doesn't sound so funny because it can't be without their faces.

On a lighter note, vanilla is one of nature's greatest, most valued gifts to the world. It's fragrant, and it makes things like ice-cream taste a lot better. I wish I could add a little vanilla and brown sugar to my life. I'd like to see my mind paint a picture of that...

1 comment:

  1. Indeed work ethics is seen as a strange concept in this country, just go to any goverment owned company or any ministry. The chit chat, numerous cups of coffee on the table along with three daily newspapers, and a bored employee who loves to turn your life into a misery.

    The sad thing ethics isnt a part of the youth's mentality. I used to work in a youth magazine, where a team exists on paper yet many of them disrespect deadlines, some copy and paste material from Wikipedia :S. I had to leave I got fedup with the whole organisation, the lack of work ethics.
