
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

As We Digress: Family is Instinct

Here are some of the definitions I found on family:

* A father, a mother, their sons and daughters.
* A group of people related by blood, marriage, law or custom.
* A group of people who live together.
* A group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head.
* A group of persons of common ancestry.
* Any group or aggregation of things classed together as kindred or related from possessing in common characteristics which distinguish them from other things of the same order.

A family may or may not be set at one home, but had been once set in one home. Meaning, now you live with your family, tomorrow you don't. And this doesn't mean you're without family after that. Also meaning even if all of you are scattered all over the place you once, at least, lived together to the point it was painful. But now, sometimes, you feel so lonely, it's painful.

A family is a very energetic organism, it's a body with parts, a beating heart and a mighty mind. The more quirky a family is, the more interesting and the more exciting it is to be part of it. And by quirky here I do not mean dysfunctional to the point it makes one sick, by quirky I mean the way each member handles, introduces, behaves and carries out things, no matter how normal or strange they are. It's the way they are received by other members, the reactions thrown, or the lack of reactions for that matter.

There is nothing uglier than having a family's members cloned to the point of no-recognition. A family is like a firm, each has their thing, and each does their thing, and later the final product is ready when each member knows their duties and their rights; a more harmonious life there cannot be. Thus, when one kid sings, the other one dances, and the other one plays an instrument, and so on, the parents enjoy their kids' unity but also appreciate and encourage their individuality and the kids are thrilled because of the individuality they have and how they enjoy it under the collective name of the family. And that's the beauty of it. You are what you are, and you do what you do, you always have someone to tell you when you're screwing up and when you're doing a great job, you always have someone to help you out when you hit rock bottom, through sickness and health, they're always there, no matter where they are, or when things happen, they're there, for you, and only for you, no benefits, no hypocrisy, no underlying hatred, just pure, and absolute love. Whether you get a call at 3 in the morning or 4 in the afternoon, you love them the same and just be where you need to be. And how, when you start to mature, they do accept you the way you are, how you like and dislike things, how they respect some (if not most or all) of the things that you care for, believe in and want to achieve. And the way they are ready to support you when you most desperately need it.

It's sad how one only discovers the meaning of this when something bad happens, like one of the family members gets terribly sick... Everyone drops whatever is in their hands and runs to wherever the sick one is. The way they comfort each other, or the way they discuss things among each other, the way they divide what has to be done, each according to their ability, the jokes, and the inside jokes cracked to lighten the mood, the comments, the actions and reactions... And all of it happens naturally... Family is instinct. It's born with you, you're born with it, and you make it happen, and it's awesome. Until everyone's ready to move on when you'd just discovered how beautiful it is to have them around, to care and be cared for. Everyone has their thing now, but not under the collective name of the family, because now they've got their own families or jobs,... etc. and it breaks your heart how each and every member has found a purpose in life, while you're still behind, savoring the taste of wonderful family, and taking your time to figure out your job and other things... It's one of these bittersweet moments, where you know you've got your freedom (or almost have it) but still didn't quite figure out what you're going to do with it.

And with all the beauty and wonder of family, it is not a luxury. It is a right, a duty, and it's love and respect. And while many people think family is built on perfections and problem-free lives, I believe it is quite the opposite, a family is built on the imperfections that each one of us possesses, and it's built on the way we engineer our lives to work around these imperfections and make a long-lasting establishment of unconditional love.

On second thought... My perception of family written in these words doesn't cover all of my thoughts... But this, my friends, is family in a nutshell.

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